$519 GST/HST Tax Credit August 2024: Check Eligibility & Payment Date

GST / HST is a quarterly payment which is made by the CRA to all the eligible individuals of Canada. GST is a tax which is paid by all those citizens who provide their services or goods across Canada. The credits will be made by the CRA to all those individuals who fulfill the eligibility criteria required for these credits. The $519 GST/HST Tax Credit August 2024 will be paid to help individuals and their families so that they can offset the amount of GST & HST which was paid by them. The payment you received from the territories or provinces program will also be included in this GST/HST Tax Credit 2024. If all the required details are available at CRA you will automatically be eligible to get the payment of these GST / HST credits. If you want to be the beneficiary must have to know all the required GST/HST Tax Credit Eligibility 2024 decided by the CRA. The details are mentioned in this article. You have to read the article carefully by spending some of your time.

$519 GST/HST Tax Credit August 2024

The GST & HST credit is a payment which is made by the CRA to offset the amount of GST & HST by all the taxpayer individuals of Canada. To get the payment under GST & HST the beneficiary needs to be at least 19 years old. Only all those persons will be eligible to get the payment of these tax credits who are permanent citizens of Canada. All the applicants are required to maintain all the information at the CRA to be eligible to get the payment of $519 GST/HST Tax Credit August 2024. If a citizen is under the age of 19 and wants to get the tax credits of GST & HST must fulfill at least one GST/HST Tax Credit Eligibility 2024 in which one is they have a common law partner or spouse or you are the individual who lives with their parents or with their child. The payment of GST & HST credits are made on a quarterly basis which is paid by the CRA in the months of July, October, January & April. To get the payment ofGST& HST you have to file your return regularly even if you are earning enough income required or the tax return or not to get claim for the tax credits of GST & HST. 

$519 GSTHST Tax Credit August 2024
Name of the Benefit GST & HST tax credit 
Year 2024
Paid by CRA 
Beneficiary All GST & HST payee 
Purpose of credit To offset the amount of GST & HST 
Minimum age required 19 years 
Citizenship is required Canadian 
GST/HST Tax Credit Payment Amount 2024$519
Payment made Quarterly 
Payment months July, October, January & April
Category Finance
Official Website Canada.ca

GST/HST Tax Credit Eligibility 2024

The individual will be considered as eligible citizen of these GST & HST tax credits if they fulfill all the required eligibility which are mentioned below:

  • To get the payment under GST & HST the beneficiary needs to be at least 19 years old.
  • If a individual si under the age of 19 and wants to get the tax credits of GST & HST must fulfill at least one eligibility criteria
    • they had a common law partner or spouse 
    • you are the individual who lives with their parents or with their child.
  • All those candidates who are a permanent resident of Canada according to the tax rules will get the benefit of this tax credits
    • Before the month in which the CRA is making the payment of credits 
    • Or at the start of the month in which the payment is going to be made 
  • The payment of GST & HST credits are made on a quarterly basis which is paid by the CRA in the months of July, October, January & April.

GST/HST Tax Credit Payment Amount 2024

The GST/HST Tax Credit Payment Amount 2024 will depend on the below mentioned conditions:

  • If your net adjusted income
    • If you are a person who is single and has a earning of $23600 or the amount you earned at the time of filing the return 
    • If you are a individual who has a spouse or common law partner the calculation for net income will be determined n the asi of combined earning you earned 
    • The number of the children who has not completed their age of 19 years and have registered for the CCB and the GST & HST credits 

From July 2024 to June 2025 you will get the GST & HST tax credits

  • $ 519 if you’re a single unmarried person 
  • $680 if you are a person who is married and has a common law partner 
  • $179 for each child who didn’t complete their age of 19 years 

FAQs on $519 GST/HST Tax Credit August 2024

How much is the GST/HST Tax Credit Payment Amount 2024 for the month of August?

The $519 beneficiary amount will be paid by the CRA under GST & HST tax credits. 

What age is required to get the benefit of $519 GST/HST Tax Credit August 2024?

Beneficiaries must not have completed their age of 19 years to get the benefit of $519 GST/HST Tax Credit August 2024. 

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